„Neman-72“, Gardinas - oficiali sanatorijos svetainė

Mud applications (sapropelic)

Mud applications (sapropelic)

Mud has a pronounced resolving, analgesic, accelerate resorption of adhesions, scar help restore motor function.

Studies have shown that the greatest benefit to human health has a biochemical effect of soluble organic substances that are found in the liquid phase of sapropels. The complex of humic acid, the lipid components in the active form trace amounts of selenium, copper, chromium, brome, zinc, manganese, iodine and 16 amino acids, hydroxy acids, pectins, biogenic amines, enzymes, vitamins B2, B12, B6 are belong to the therapeutic mud – nourish, stimulate metabolism, improve cell regeneration, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action, contribute to the conclusion of the skin of heavy metals and pathogenic microorganisms. Mud has a pronounced absorbing, desensitizing, analgesic effect. Mud accelerate resorption of adhesions, scarring, soreness weaken nerve trunks, promote recovery of motor function.

Mud is placed on the area of ​​the pathological process. By localization distinguish mud “glove”, “briefs”, “socks”, etc.